My Story May

Surprise You....

As the oldest of ten children, and an unorthodox education, I grew up wrestling with self identity and limiting beliefs regarding my potential. To add to this challenge, my family joined a religious conservative lifesytle during my teenage years. This isolated community was especially oppressive towards women, and obtaining a college degree, let alone a career, was frowned upon. Be that as it may, I believed in my heart that I had more potential, so at 19 years old, I decided to leave home and enter into the real world.

Needless to say, for a long time, I felt like I was in SURVIVOR mode.

Over the next 12 years I applied my work ethic and sheer determination to climb the corporate ladder. I became a leader in my industry and earned opportunities that typically only those with a college degree receive.

I felt like I had finally graduated from survivor to
THRIVER status.

Just when I thought I had reached my full potential, and moved to a new city for a big job promotion, I was one of nationwide layoffs. Despite wrestling with disappointment, this set back was a blessing in disguise. I was yet again given the opportunity to tap into an even greater skill set, discover my PERSONAL BRAND, and created a business around helping others do the same.

It was through rising above loss, rejection, shame, and disappointment that I learned the keys for unlocking an EVEN GREATER POTENTIAL.

Because I knew these keys were meant to be shared, I became a REVIVER, and continue to help others unlock their potential too.

In 2017, I was featured in Forbes as a community networking influencer HERE. Now, as a Marketing and Personal Branding Strategist, I love helping business professionals and entrepreneurs spotlight their strengths both on and offline. I believe our past does not define us, and tapping into our best potential is a life long journey. To this day, I help my clients rise above their past, society misconceptions, and their own limiting beliefs.

I share my story as a reminder that we ultimately control our potential and CREATE the life of our choosing.

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Inspiration To Start Your Day

Spark Your Inner Genius

June 14, 20241 min read


Tune in to "The Undeniable Expert" podcast as Odell Bizzell interviews Rebecca Chalson. Watch the episode below! Discover the unique essence of her Professional Brilliance Formula and the driving force behind her passion for personal branding. Listen as she explains one of the key aspects of her formula "Spotlight", which involves showcasing credibility and positioning oneself uniquely to connect with the target audience.

The importance of personal branding in all aspects of life is discussed, highlighting how it is not just limited to your online presence.

Some Key Questions Discussed:

Q: What is the Professional Brilliance Formula?

A: "The Professional Brilliance Formula: S.P.A.R.K. You Inner Genius" helps break down the process of personal branding in a more simplified way.

Q: What is Rebecca's new podcast "Spark Your Inner Genius" about?

A: She is interviewing top industry leaders who share their unique insights, methods, and habits to unleash the listeners' inner genius, propel them towards their potential, and advance their careers.

Q: What are next steps to "spark" your inner genius?

A: If you are an industry expert go to and download your free copy of the "Spark Your Inner Genius: Monetize Your Expertise" workbook. Next, apply to see if you qualify for a complimentary strategy session with Rebecca Chalson HERE. If you are a founder or c-suite executive with an organization, explore how Rebecca can help you and your team amplify your impact HERE.

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Rebecca Chalson

🔹Helping Leaders Lead & Businesses Grow🔹Bestselling Author🔹Keynote Speaker

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