My Story May

Surprise You....

As the oldest of ten children, and an unorthodox education, I grew up wrestling with self identity and limiting beliefs regarding my potential. To add to this challenge, my family joined a religious conservative lifesytle during my teenage years. This isolated community was especially oppressive towards women, and obtaining a college degree, let alone a career, was frowned upon. Be that as it may, I believed in my heart that I had more potential, so at 19 years old, I decided to leave home and enter into the real world.

Needless to say, for a long time, I felt like I was in SURVIVOR mode.

Over the next 12 years I applied my work ethic and sheer determination to climb the corporate ladder. I became a leader in my industry and earned opportunities that typically only those with a college degree receive.

I felt like I had finally graduated from survivor to
THRIVER status.

Just when I thought I had reached my full potential, and moved to a new city for a big job promotion, I was one of nationwide layoffs. Despite wrestling with disappointment, this set back was a blessing in disguise. I was yet again given the opportunity to tap into an even greater skill set, discover my PERSONAL BRAND, and created a business around helping others do the same.

It was through rising above loss, rejection, shame, and disappointment that I learned the keys for unlocking an EVEN GREATER POTENTIAL.

Because I knew these keys were meant to be shared, I became a REVIVER, and continue to help others unlock their potential too.

In 2017, I was featured in Forbes as a community networking influencer HERE. Now, as a Marketing and Personal Branding Strategist, I love helping business professionals and entrepreneurs spotlight their strengths both on and offline. I believe our past does not define us, and tapping into our best potential is a life long journey. To this day, I help my clients rise above their past, society misconceptions, and their own limiting beliefs.

I share my story as a reminder that we ultimately control our potential and CREATE the life of our choosing.

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Top Tips To Become More Recognizable In Your Community

February 15, 20224 min read

One way to ensure the success of your business is to become recognizable as an expert in your community. It might seem surprising, but fame does not happen by accident most of the time. Even though it may seem like some people are "overnight" successes, that overnight success likely came from years of planning.

If you want to become recognizable in your community, there are some steps you can take and things you can do to push yourself in that direction.

* Advertise Online and Offline - Do not limit your advertising and press releases to just online. Instead, send out press releases locally, and advertise in the local publications as well as on TV and the radio.

* Be Active Online - You can become well-known in your local community by being very active on Facebook with your local people. Join local Facebook groups, publish locally-focused articles on LinkedIn, and mention local people and businesses on Instagram.

* Attend and Sponsor Local Events - Start making it a point to go to live and local events. Not only go to them but when the subject matter is appropriate, sponsor the events too. The more people hear your name and connect your business to your expertise, the better.

* Join Local Business Organizations - Do not just be someone who attends things; be someone who joins things and runs things. Every local business organization needs people to keep the organization going. As you get known, start stepping up to volunteer and help out with these organizations.

* Be a Resource to Others - Be open to interviews with the press and offer yourself up as an expert on your topic so that they know to call you when they need info about that topic. The more often you can be quoted by others, the more people will start seeing you as an expert. Plus, the more known you'll become locally.

* Publish a Book - A great way to become a minor local celebrity is to publish a book and then use that book as your calling card. Have a local book signing, and send out a press release about the book and the signing. Send a free book to the library and other business centers if it's appropriate and on the right topic.

* Host Local Events - Once you get really involved locally, it is time to start hosting your own local events. In fact, you can even break into the local scene by hosting a local event that you market and promote very well in a way that gets the eyes of the movers and shakers of the community.

* Speak at Local Events - Send out a one sheet to your local groups and organizations so that they know they can call on you to speak locally and on which topics. If you have it, provide links to them showing your speaking credentials and examples of speeches and talks that you've given in the past.

* Volunteer - While volunteering for business organizations have been mentioned, another way to get known in your community is to choose a charity and volunteer for that one charity as much as possible. If your audience also likes that charity, that is even better.

At some point, you will know that you have made it because people such as the press will start calling you more often to get information, and you will become a regular invitee for less well-known events as well as be asked to speak more often for clubs and organizations based on your expertise.

About The Author: With over 10 years of professional sales and marketing experience, Rebecca Chalson’s go-getter and personable approach to business development has earned her recognition with Forbes, 40 Under 40, and several other regional awards. Having developed her personal network from the ground up, she enjoys educating various industry groups on how to tap into their core strengths in order to create REAL connections, while effectively growing their circle of influence. Her workshops include practical guidance in personal branding, strategic networking, influencer marketing, event planning, social media engagement, and building authentic relationships offline.

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Rebecca Chalson

🔹Helping Leaders Lead & Businesses Grow🔹Bestselling Author🔹Keynote Speaker

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